SIWI’s work on transboundary water cooperation and water diplomacy is often carried out through the International Centre for Water Cooperation and the Shared Waters Partnership programme.

The International Centre for Water Cooperation (ICWC) is a Category II Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, hosted by SIWI, which generates and shares knowledge on water cooperation within and between countries.
The Shared Waters Partnership (SWP) programme supports transboundary water cooperation in fragile and conflict-affected regions.
SIWI is also one of the founding members of the Climate Security Hub, together the Stockholm Environment Institute, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Stockholm International Peace Research Centre.
The UNDP-SIWI Water Governance Facility offers strategic advice to countries on how to govern water more effectively.
In 2019 SIWI’s Dr Martina Klimes was guest editor or a Special Issue of the Journal of Hydrology dedicated to Water Diplomacy.